
Shahzod, Irinarkh, Vitalina-Slavyanka: names given to children in the Mykolaiv region in 2024.

Shakhzod, Irinarkh, Vitalina-Slavyanka: Names Given to Children in Mykolaiv Region in 2024
Шахзод, Иринарх, Виталина-Славянка: имена, которые выбирали для детей в Николаевской области в 2024 году.
Шахзод, Иринарх, Виталина-Славянка: как называли детей в Николаевской области в 2024 году

Shakhzod, Irinarkh, Vitalina-Slavyanka: how children were named in Mykolaiv region in 2024

In the Mykolaiv region in 2024, young parents opted for both traditional names and quite unique ones for their children.

Among the most popular male names were Vladislav, Mark, David, Dmitry, Timofey, Artem, Matvey, Bohdan, Maxim, and Mikhail. For females, the most common names included Anastasia, Maria, Sofia, Anna, Daria, Eva, Varvara, and Valeria.

This information was reported by the press service of the Southern Interregional Department of the Ministry of Justice (Odesa).

However, there are parents who seek originality and uniqueness. In the Mykolaiv region, babies were registered with rare names such as Shakhzod, Eustace, Lavrentiy, Richard, Irinarkh, Christopher, Mikhail-Danilo, and Roman-Prokop. Among the female names were: Vitalina-Slavyanka, Aurelia-Aleksey, Luna, Zlatoslava, Nonna, Mika, Adnel, and Aisel.