
Alligators in the city: these predators have made their home alarmingly close to humans.

Among the animals found in the stormwater system were armadillos, frogs, raccoons, and seven species of reptiles. The most common reptile was the American alligator.
Аллигаторы в городе: хищники обосновались неподалеку от людей.

Scientists from the University of Florida have recorded 35 different species of animals in the stormwater drains of Gainesville, including reptiles, mammals, and amphibians. This was reported by The People.

The study lasted two months, during which 39 motion-sensor cameras were installed at 33 drainage sites.

Despite some technical challenges—equipment damage due to rain and raccoons stealing cameras—the researchers managed to discover that stormwater systems serve as a refuge for many living beings. Among the recorded animals were armadillos, frogs, raccoons, and seven species of reptiles. The most common reptile found was the American alligator.

"It was like a cartoon about ninja turtles," said one of the study's authors, Alan Ivory, highlighting the unexpectedly high number of inhabitants in the sewers.

Миссисипский аллигатор, американские аллигаторы, аллигаторы, аллигаторы в канализации, рептилия, аллигаторы в городе, опасный хищник

According to the scientists, these findings demonstrate wildlife's adaptation to urban environments. They note that, unlike well-studied rat movement patterns, the migration of other animals through urban drainage systems remains largely unexplored.

American alligators rarely exceed a length of 3.4 meters, although there have been reports of individuals reaching up to 4.5 meters. However, reports of larger specimens of this species have not yet been scientifically verified.

It was also revealed that a deadly predator was dealt with by a "mysterious creature". The carcass of a massive white shark was discovered in southeastern Australia in October 2023. The number and nature of the wounds found on its body puzzled scientists at the time.