
How to choose the right-sized clothing for your dog: tips to help you avoid common issues.

The need for clothing varies by breed. For instance, long-haired collies require protection from rain with waterproof suits, while hairless breeds are susceptible to sunburn and therefore need summer attire.
Как выбрать одежду для собаки по размеру: советы, которые помогут избежать проблем.

Many pets require not just warm clothing but also protection from the sun. The range of products for animals is now incredibly vast, making it essential to know how to choose the right size for your dog. Ukr.Media explains how to determine the correct clothing size for your dog.

Who Needs Clothing?

The need for clothing depends on the breed. For example, long-haired Collies need to be protected from rain with waterproof overalls, while hairless breeds can get sunburned, so they require summer clothing as well.

As for footwear, it is necessary for almost all dogs living in urban environments, as roads are treated with chemicals during winter. These substances can end up in your pet's stomach after they lick their paws.

How to Determine Size?

To select the right clothing, you need to take three measurements:

  1. Measure the length of the back – from the withers to the tail.

  2. Measure the chest circumference at its widest point and remember to add +2 centimeters for a comfortable fit.

  3. Measure the neck circumference at its widest point and also add 2 centimeters.

Shoe size is determined in the same way as for humans. You need to trace your dog’s paw on a sheet of paper and measure it.