When purchasing a used car, it is crucial to perform basic maintenance to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future. “AutoGuide” explains what should be replaced in a used car immediately after buying it.
The first step is to change the engine oil, coolant, and brake fluid. It is also advisable to check the transmission fluid and the power steering system.
Replacing the oil, air, and cabin filters will help maintain engine cleanliness and improve air quality inside the cabin.
Check the condition of the brake pads, discs, and shock absorbers. Also, assess the steering linkages and joints.
Worn spark plugs can cause starting issues and affect engine performance. Replacing them will ensure stable operation.
Inspect the timing belt and the condition of the battery. Replacing them if wear is suspected will help avoid serious problems.
Checking the main electronic systems and connecting to a scanner can help identify hidden faults.