
The city council allocated land to the police for a towing lot designated for abandoned vehicles.

Abandoned cars from the streets of Lviv will be relocated to Konushynna Street.
Городской совет выделил полиции участок земли для площадки ареста заброшенных автомобилей.

The deputies of the Lviv City Council voted on Thursday, January 30, to allocate a plot of land on Konushynna Street for the police's permanent use to establish a towing site, where abandoned vehicles on the streets of Lviv will be evacuated.

This pertains to a 0.7-hectare plot on Konushynna Street. The area can only be used as a parking lot without the right for permanent construction.

Additionally, the city council approved a resolution stating that abandoned vehicles on the streets of Lviv are to be recorded by district administration employees. If a vehicle remains in the same location for a month, the relevant commission reviews the information about it. Based on this review, LKP "Lviv Electric Transport" removes the vehicle from the street and hands it over to the police for storage.

Within six months, the owner can contact the police to retrieve the towed vehicle; otherwise, the police have the right to sell it, with the proceeds transferred to a special account. If the owner does not claim compensation within three years, the funds will be allocated to the Lviv city budget.

It is worth mentioning that the issue of abandoned vehicles on the streets of Lviv has persisted for several years. The city council attempted to tow them to municipal parking lots, and district administrations planned to take legal action against the owners of abandoned vehicles. However, these measures did not resolve the issue.