
A new large deposit of rare earth metals has been discovered in China. These metals are valuable for their applications in technology and renewable energy.

Chinese geologists estimate the reserves of valuable rare earth elements, such as praseodymium and neodymium, at a new deposit to be over 470,000 tons.
В Китае нашли новое крупное месторождение редкоземельных металлов. Узнайте, в чем заключается их ценность.

In the past year, several new large mineral deposits have been discovered in China. It has now been revealed that geologists have found another massive deposit of rare earth metals in Yunnan Province. Chinese scientists believe that this discovery will significantly accelerate the development of the industry in the PRC, as reported by Interesting Engineering.

Geologists from the China Geological Survey have identified a large deposit of rare earth elements such as neodymium and praseodymium. Researchers state that after extraction, the deposit could contain more than 470,000 tons of these valuable metals.

Praseodymium is a silvery-white rare earth metal used in laser technologies, alloys, and for creating superconducting materials. Neodymium is a silvery-white rare earth metal with a golden hue, utilized in alloys with aluminum and magnesium for the production of aircraft and rockets.


According to scientists, the newly discovered extremely large deposit of rare earth elements contains metals that naturally concentrate and are absorbed on the surface of clay minerals. They are typically found in weathered granite soils, making them relatively easy to extract using environmentally safe methods.


The new deposit is expected to become the most significant medium and heavy rare earth element deposit in China. Once operational, it will greatly enhance the resources of rare earth elements in the country.


From a mineral exploration perspective, 2024 has been very fruitful for China. Last July, Chinese geologists discovered two new minerals, oboniobite and scandium-fluor-ekkermanite, at the world's largest rare earth metal mine, Bayan Obo, in Inner Mongolia. These minerals typically contain valuable elements for energy, information technology, aerospace, and military industries.

Chinese geologists also uncovered a significant gold deposit in November 2024 in Pingshan County, revealing over 40 gold veins with reserves of 300 tons. However, the total gold reserve at the site is estimated to exceed 1,000 tons.

The discovery of the new rare earth metal deposit is a result of the China Geological Survey's development of new mineral exploration methods.

China is one of the largest producers of rare earth elements in the world. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, this discovery adds to the already impressive number of rare earth element deposits in China, with total reserves estimated at around 44 million tons.