The book "The History of Adam and Eve," authored by former U.S. Air Force employee, UFO researcher, and self-proclaimed psychic Chan Thomas, was completed in 1966. However, its publication was halted by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the United States. In 2013, it was quietly declassified, at least partially, but still remained hidden in the CIA database — until now, reports Daily Mail.
The book claims that every 6,500 years, a major catastrophe occurs on Earth, akin to the biblical "Great Flood." It is worth noting that experts are still debating the exact date of this flood, but Thomas asserts that this catastrophic event took place around 6,500 years ago. Furthermore, he states that there is some archaeological and geological evidence supporting this idea.
As a result, Chan Thomas posits that the next catastrophe is simply inevitable. But what will the end of the world look like? The author claims that the Earth's magnetic field will suddenly and sharply change, plunging the world into chaos.
The reason for the book's secrecy remains unclear, but some speculate that the agency feared it would incite mass panic or leak information related to classified government research. It is known that Thomas had ties to classified projects during his tenure at the now-defunct aerospace company McDonnell Douglas. He was part of a small group of scientists assembled by the company to investigate UFO sightings. However, there are no documents confirming that Thomas worked directly with the CIA. Nonetheless, the agency's non-disclosure agreement means that former employees must obtain approval before publishing books and other works.
In his book, Thomas describes the end of the world as a shaking of the mountains in California, the retreat of the ocean, and the emergence of a massive wave. He also claims that within a fraction of a second, all traces of civilization will be obliterated, along with major cities.
The first chapter, titled "The Next Cataclysm," states that something similar has happened before. Allegedly, a biblical flood occurred 6,500 years ago, and Adam and Eve did indeed exist and disappeared around 11,500 years ago. The author also asserts that the next cataclysm could happen any day now.
The book, which is now public domain, contains 55 pages, but Thomas's original manuscript has 200 pages. The remaining pages are still classified, and the reason for such secrecy from the CIA remains a mystery.
The apocalyptic narrative begins with the destruction of California, explaining how winds "with the force of a thousand armies" will obliterate everything in their path with "supersonic bombardment," while a Pacific tsunami will inundate Los Angeles and San Francisco "as if they were mere grains of sand." The author claims that these strikes will encompass the entire North American continent within "three hours," as a simultaneous earthquake creates massive fissures in the ground, allowing magma to rise to the surface.
The destruction is said to engulf not just North America — in fact, the text states that none of the seven continents will be able to escape the onslaught. Furthermore, each will experience slightly different versions of the same dramatic end. The scenario suggests that the catastrophe will last seven days, after which the entire globe will be transformed.
Thomas's text also includes some indications of how the world will change. For instance, the Bay of Bengal, east of India, will now be at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, west of Peru, will be at the South Pole. Meanwhile, Greenland and Antarctica will be pushed toward the equator, and ice caps will melt due to tropical heat.
Thomas paints a horrifying picture of civilization-destroying climate change and tectonic reconfiguration. However, there is no scientific evidence supporting the possibility of such a cataclysm. According to Martin Mlinchak, a senior researcher at NASA Langley Research Center, such claims require extraordinary evidence, which unfortunately does not exist.
Moreover, there is no evidence that the Earth's magnetic field has ever undergone or will ever undergo the 90-degree flip that Thomas describes. Researchers also note that if something like this were indeed happening on Earth every 6,500 years, scientists would have noticed it.
Nevertheless, the Earth's magnetic poles do shift and have done so hundreds of times throughout the planet's history. This phenomenon is known as "pole reversal." Paleomagnetic records indicate that this occurs roughly every 300,000 years on average, although the actual time intervals vary significantly.
NASA experts note that during a pole reversal, the magnetic field weakens but does not disappear completely. The magnetosphere, along with the Earth's atmosphere, continues to protect the Earth from cosmic rays and charged solar particles, although a small amount of radiation may reach the Earth's surface.
The magnetic field becomes disordered, and multiple magnetic poles may appear in unexpected locations. However, this never leads to the widespread destruction that Thomas describes in his book.