
Physicists have discovered new particles that could transform our understanding of magnetism and revolutionize electronics.

A recent study has revealed the existence of a new type of quasiparticle present in all magnetic materials, which had previously gone unrecognized.
Физики выявили новые частицы, которые могут изменить наше понимание магнетизма и революционизировать электронику.

Physicists have discovered a new type of quasiparticle that exists in all magnetic materials regardless of the strength of the magnetic field and the temperature of the material. This finding alters scientists' understanding of magnetism, as it demonstrates that magnetism is not as static as previously thought. The study has been published in the journal Physical Review Research, reports IFLScience.

In certain systems, such as electrical circuits, quasiparticles can arise. For example, in lithium atoms, electrons in outer orbitals can move to the orbitals of other lithium atoms, carrying their negative charge with them. However, the gaps between electrons can be modeled as if they were also particles with their own positive charge, moving throughout the system. Quasiparticles can provide insight into how these systems function and play a role in everything from electronic devices to heat transfer.

The authors of the new study examined various magnetic materials and discovered a new type of previously unknown quasiparticles within them. Physicists found that these quasiparticles exist in all magnetic materials regardless of the strength of the magnetic field and the temperature of the material. Moreover, researchers discovered that the quasiparticles can move freely at surprisingly high speeds.

Physicists say that these quasiparticles resemble bubbles in carbonated water or other fizzy drinks. The new quasiparticles are intriguing because they change the perception of magnetism, and their discovery could aid in the development of a new generation of electronic devices. These devices are expected to be faster and more efficient, according to scientists. However, physicists first need to determine how this discovery can be applied in these processes.

Researchers believe that this discovery could primarily benefit spintronics, where the spin of an electron, rather than its charge, is used for storing and processing information.

While traditional electronics rely on the electric charge of electrons for storage and processing, spintronics utilizes the intrinsic spin of the electron. This property is inherently linked to the quantum nature of the electron.

The nature of electron spins is responsible for magnetic phenomena. Electrons possess two properties: charge and spin. Therefore, instead of using conventional charge, one can use spin, as it dissipates significantly less energy than charge, say physicists.