
Drones delivered blood for transfusions to an injured Azov soldier on the front lines.

The soldier spent 10 hours at his position from the moment he was injured until his evacuation; a blood transfusion ultimately saved his life.
На передовую к раненому бойцу «Азова» доставили кровь для переливания с помощью дронов.

A soldier from the "Azov" brigade, who sustained a severe injury, received blood for a transfusion delivered to the front lines by drones. The operation video was published by the brigade's press service.

According to the military, a soldier from the 12th "Azov" brigade sustained a serious shrapnel injury to the neck, resulting in significant blood loss. It was impossible to evacuate the injured soldier immediately, and he urgently required a blood transfusion. As a result, the medics decided to deliver blood to the casualty via drone drop. As reported by "Militarny," the chief of the medical battalion "Temny," the drones delivered all necessary supplies directly into the trench at the front. This included transfusion systems, an intraosseous device, heating supplies, calcium, painkillers, antibiotics, and more.

“The blood component transfusion was carried out by a combat medic from the platoon with a level of SMS, who was also injured. He was assisted by an infantryman with a gunshot wound to the upper limbs,” said "Temny."

Attention! The video contains sensitive content!

It is noted that from the moment of injury, the soldier remained in position for 10 hours. The blood transfusion saved his life. Later, the fighter was successfully evacuated, and medics stabilized his condition.

It should be recalled that until 2023, blood transfusions were only permitted to be conducted by doctors with the appropriate qualifications. However, in September 2023, the government allowed combat medics and military personnel without medical education to perform transfusions. To do this, they must undergo training in the fundamentals of transfusion therapy.