The Security Service of Ukraine and the State Bureau of Investigations have announced suspicions against a former member of parliament from the banned pro-Russian party "Opposition Bloc" for treason and inciting religious enmity and hatred. This was reported on Saturday, January 18, by the press services of the SBU and DBR. It should be noted that law enforcement agencies have not disclosed the name of the suspect; however, according to Ukrainian media, it concerns oligarch Vadim Novinsky, who was also a long-time member of the "Party of Regions."
According to investigators, following the onset of the full-scale invasion, the former MP flew to the European Union via charter flight and continued to work in favor of Russia. In particular, while in contact with the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill (Gundyaev), he disseminated Russian propaganda using religious communities under his authority in EU countries. Specifically, in an effort to discredit Ukraine, the former MP involved foreign parishioners.
“The [former MP] continues to exert informational influence aimed at harming the sovereignty of Ukraine, its state and informational security, achieving military-political objectives set by the Russian leadership regarding the state of Ukraine, and providing Russia with assistance in conducting subversive activities against Ukraine in the informational sphere,” noted the DBR.
Investigators have initiated a series of expert assessments confirming Novinsky's criminal activities in the interests of Russia. He has been officially charged in absentia with treason and inciting religious enmity and hatred (part 1 of Article 111, part 2 of Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum penalty stipulated by the sanctions of these articles is up to 15 years of imprisonment. Currently, law enforcement is taking measures to hold Novinsky criminally liable.
As noted by the DBR, since the beginning of 2014, the suspect has promoted Russian narratives in the media and during public appearances. In this way, he attempted to shape pro-Russian sentiments within Ukrainian society.
It is worth recalling that in December 2022, the National Security and Defense Council imposed sanctions against Vadim Novinsky and several priests of the UOC MP. In April 2023, the SBU seized 18 million cubic meters of gas worth 144 million UAH. In May 2023, the Security Service confiscated assets belonging to the former MP, which he attempted to hide abroad, valued at 10.5 billion UAH.